Monday, May 13, 2013

Film Fright Night


    Bride Of Frankenstien Film Fright Night

     The Bride of Frankenstein was released in the year 1935 on April 22. James Whale directed and Carl Laemmle Jr. produced the frightening film. Borus Karloff played the monster. Elsa Zanchester plays not only Mary Shelley in the film, but the lady monster as well. Colin Clave played Henry Frankenstein (Victor in the book).
      In the beginning of the film the village has "killed" the creature, but little do they know he isn't actually dead. Victor then gets a visit from one of his professors who asks him to help him create like Victor once did, but Victor refuses to help. While this is going on the creature finds a home with a blind man who isn't afraid of him because he cannot see the creature’s appearance. While staying with the blind man the monster learns to speak. Soon after meeting the blind man the monster is again chased away by humans afraid of his appearance. Towards the end of the film the creature takes Elizabeth hostage forcing Victor to make the "Bride of Frankenstein." When the bride is made she is afraid of the creature that she was made to be with so the monster ends both of their lives.
      This film had several differences compared to the book. The first one being the monster in the book secretly watches a family in the cottage and learns how to read and talk by watching the family teach the Arabian women. In the film he meets a blind man who lives by himself who is ecstatic to have a friend and teaches his friend how to talk. Also, in the movie another professor helps Doctor Frankenstein make life; this character doesn't exist in the book.
     The most compelling part of the film was when Victor's professor showed him the little living people in the jars. There was one jar full of water and it had a little living mermaid, and another jar had a little ballerina. The most disappointing part was in the end when Victor's female monster was created and she was afraid of Frankenstein so Frankenstein pulls a lever and they both die. Frankenstein should have at least waited to see if she would react differently after learning that they were both created.
     I would rate these movie two stars. The acting in the movie was really cheesy and unrealistic, it almost seemed like they were trying to be sarcastic. Also it strayed really far from the book, and I think the movie could have been a lot better if they actually followed the events in the book. The less important parts dragged on and made it boring, while the more important exciting events happened fast. It should have been opposite. There were some interesting parts that were added though, such as the living mini people in the jars which made the movie deserve at least two stars.

Group Work:
Kat: A,C
Emily: B
Ariel: E
Sadie: D
Alissa: F, G, and post.


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  2. Blade Runner Film Review
    Film information
    June 25 1982, Directed by Ridley Scott, Produced by Michael Deeley, Cast Harrison Ford, Rutger Hauer, Sean Young, Edward James Olmos.
    In the future (2019) a corporation has invented robots identical to real people called replicants. These robots are made to do jobs people don't want in colonies in other worlds and are banned from earth. The robots that come to earth are hunted down and "retired", a term for terminated.
    A couple of robots have recently broken the ban and have returned to earth, so a retired blade runner is asked to hunt them down. These robots are a new design that are almost indistinguishable from real people. So Deckard (the retired blade runner) learns a test to distinguish them from people. Throughout the movie Deckard hunts down four robots just trying to extend their lives and realizes they are not any different from real people.
    Adaptation from Frankenstein
    Because he frankenstein monster is just a experiment he is not expected to be a thinking being with emotions. The robots in blade runner are like the creature from frankenstein because they are just like normal people but they are not accepted by society as people, when the only difference between them and people is how they are created. This is the basic concept originally shown in Mary Shelly's Frankenstein.
    Most Compelling Part
    The most compelling part of blade runner would have to be the benevolence of the robot Roy. Deckard had hunted down and killed the other three robots that accompanied Roy, and even after that when he was dangling over the top of a building Roy was kind enough to save Deckards life. Roy never intended to hurt anyone even after his companions had been killed. Showing more humanity than most humans.
    The only disappointment from the movie was the ambiguous ending, and that Roy had to die
    We give this movie 4 stars out of 5

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  6. Film information:
    Date: December 17, 1974
    Director: Mel Brooks
    Cast: Gene Wilder (Dr. Frankenstein), Marty Feldman (Igor), Peter Boyle (The Creature), Teri Garr (Inga), Madeline Kahn (Elizabeth)

    Summary of film:
    Dr. Frankenstein goes to Transylvania to visit his grandfather's castle where he first did the experiment with the creature. He finds the book that describes how his grandfather created his monster. Frankenstein does this for himself and creates his monster with an abnormal brain. The creature breaks free and walks around the town. He discovers a blind man, and that's where he develps his fear of fire. The creature goes back to the castle because he hears his violin song that keeps him calm. Dr. Frankenstein went into his room and shows the creature love. The creature becomes calmer and they put on a play to show off the monster. A bulb catches on fire and the monster freaks out. He gets out into jail and then breaks out. The creature finds Frankenstein's fiancé and they run out of the castle together. They fall in love and the creature comes back. Dr. Frankenstein fuses his brain with the creature's and the creature is able to speak. The creature marries Dr. Frankenstein's fiancé and Dr. Frankenstein marries his assistant.

    How it was compared to the book: The movie was very different from the book other than some of the characters such as Victor, Elizabeth, and the Creature. The plot of the book was completely different from the movie. In the movie the monster never committed any big murdurs, he just frightened people and scared them because of his image. In the movie The monster killed most of the families relatives. Also the in the movie, the creature was already put together he just needed a brain unlike the book where he just need to shock him. Overall the movie and the book were completely different in retrospect.

    Most interesting part: The most interesting part of the film was at the end while the creature was being hunted. This was the most interesting part because Dr. Frankenstein was switching part of his mind with a part of the creature's mind. While this was happening the villagers were hunting the creature and barged in the door seconds before the procedure was complete and interrupted it.

    Disappointing part:
    There were quite a few disappointing parts of the movie. For starters it was not at all accurate to the book. In fact, the only characters in the movie that are in the book were Victor, Elizabeth, and the creature. If someone was to read the book and then watch the movie without being told what they were, it would be very difficult to see any resemblance to the two whatsoever, except in the name Frankenstein. It was made to be humorous which was entertaining to watch, but completely inaccurate to the book which is not humorous at all.

    Rate it: 7/10 for the movie, however it is very different from the book. I like reading both the book and watching the movie. Just be aware that the movie is very inaccurate if compared to the book.
